Building more housing in Mississauga.

We’re facing some big challenges in the city we love. People are struggling to make ends meet, housing is becoming out of reach for too many, and things are changing fast. Mississauga is about to pick a new Mayor, and we need someone who has the energy and policy track record to tackle these issues head on and build a better future for Mississauga.

As Mayor, Alvin will bring the energy and fresh ideas we need to tackle the issues most important to you.

Building more housing in our city

When I was growing up in Mississauga in the 1990s, it was normal for average families to be able to buy a four-bedroom home. Times have changed.  Today, the average price of a detached home is more than $1.4 million in our City.  Even if a family is able to come up with a downpayment, their monthly housing costs are close to $10,000 at today’s mortgage rates. That is the stark reality of buying a home in Mississauga in 2024.

On top of that Mississauga has the fourth highest rents in the country, with the average two-bedroom apartment going for over $2,700 a month.

Looking at those numbers, it’s no surprise our kids and grandkids are telling us they cannot see a future where they can afford to live here.

This is our moment to take action.  This is our moment to make the right decisions to build a City that works for everyone.  

  • A Common Sense Approach

    Build missing middle housing in our neighbourhoods, mid-rise homes on our main streets, taller buildings along transit corridors and our tallest buildings in central hubs.

  • Building More Affordable Homes

    Create options for families who cannot afford market housing.

  • Unlocking More Land for Homes

    Allow homes on underutilized lands to better support the housing needs of our residents.

  • Cutting Red Tape & Speeding Up Approvals

    Get homes approved faster by streamlining processes and increasing planning capacity.

  • Partnering with Other Levels of Government

    Work with all levels of government to bring crucial housing investments to our City.

  • "Alvin Tedjo’s ‘Building More Homes’ plan is a collection of many of the best policy ideas to deliver more homes through municipal action. This plan responds to the magnitude of the challenge facing Mississauga when it comes to creating new housing supply, and it does so by learning from elsewhere. It includes gentle intensification along major streets to offer more housing choices, specific ideas for allowing strip malls to become high-quality housing in the future without losing community amenities, and new municipal processes that prioritize resourcing the city with both the people and the expertise needed to advance change. There are many ways that municipal governments can increase access to housing to prioritize both new market and affordable housing by changing their approach to zoning, surplus lands, and approval processes. This plan is both comprehensive and specific."

    Jennifer Keesmaat
    President and CEO, Collecdev Markee; former Chief City Planner, City of Toronto

  • “Starlight supports housing strategies that outline meaningful steps to make building rental suites more efficient for Mississauga residents. We are encouraged by policies that allow more developments to be permitted as-of-right- especially those that encourage new rental housing, as well as those that eliminate regulatory barriers that hamper the projects needed to grow the city’s supply of attainable rentals. We are pleased to see mayoral candidates tackling the city’s housing crisis head-on.”

    Howard Paskowitz
    Vice President, Development at Starlight Investments

  • “This policy platform looks fantastic!”

    Sean Galbraith, MCIP, RPP
    President, Sean Galbraith & Associates Urban Planning Services

  • "I have met Alvin and discussed his vision for the City of Mississauga . From housing to transportation, sustainability, equity and community, Alvin gets it. He is bold, progressive and innovative. He has my support in the upcoming by-election, and I wish him the best.

    Blair Scorgie

As Mayor, Alvin Tedjo has the fresh ideas to build a better future for Mississauga.

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